Wednesday 27 November 2013

How to hack windows 7 Administrator password:

How to hack windows 7 Administrator password:
1:-Now restart your system
and restart time press F8
button continue.
2:-Choose “Safe mode” and
then choose
3:-start à Run à “cmd” Or
“command” without quote.
4:-Now follow these
C:\>cd\ (Press enter)
C:\>net user (Press enter)
You see that different –
different user name Choose
any one User account
name suppose that “ram”
then type these command
C:\>net user ram (Press
C:\>net user ram 12345
(Press enter)
Hack ram user account
successfully the password is
“12345 ”

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Did u know ???
Error 400 - Bad request.
Error 401 - unauthorized request.
Error 403 - forbidden.
Error 404 - Not found.
Error 500 -Internal error.
Error 501 - Not Implemented
Error 502 - Bad Gateway
Error 503 -Service unavailable.
Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out
Error 505 - HTTP Version not
supported/ DNS Lookup Fail/unknown
Error 500-599 - Server Errors.

Friday 8 November 2013

do you know?

❒ Money isn’t made out of paper. It’s made out of cotton & linen.
❒ When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.
❒ Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.
❒ Butterflies taste with their feet.
❒ Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
❒ Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.”
❒ The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
❒ The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Why Is Bluetooth Called Bluetooth?

When two devices need to talk to each other, they need to have a handshake on various parameters before the conversation starts. The first agreement is on the medium – will they use wires, or talk over some wireless signal? Bluetooth is one such wireless signal (protocol) over which two (or more) devices communicate over.
Strange name though isn’t it – are the bluetooth waves invisible but blue and shaped like teeth? Wrong! There is absolutely no relation between the name and the meaning.
The Bluetooth protocol was created by Ericsson (pre-Sony Ericsson) which is a major Swedish telecommunication company. They named it after the Danish viking king, Harald Blåtand. As legend goes, Blåtand had the blessed ability to bring people negotiate with each other, and come to talking terms.So skilled was he, that he was able to unite Denmark and Norway together! The literal translation of Blåtand means blue-tooth, hence the name Bluetooth for the protocol. It does precisely what Blåtand did – lets two wireless device to communicate with each other!
The Bluetooth symbol has HaraldBlåtand’s initials inscribed into it (in Runic). The two lines sticking out of the back of the B actually represent a Runic H – that's H for Harald .The B for Bluetooth also stands for Blåtand!

Saturday 31 August 2013

How do erasers erase?

Contrary to popular belief, pencils aren't really made with lead, and haven't been since Roman scribes wrote on papyrus -- that's a common pencil myth. So if you chew on your pencils, rest assured you won't become ill from lead poisoning (although that's not a free pass to snack on a No. 2). Today's pencils are made with graphite, water and clay (which is used as a binder), and pencil lead has been made this way since Nicolas-Jacques Conté invented the mixture in 1795 [source: Ritter].

 They weren't topped with an eraser tip, though, until about a century later. And it's this companion to the pencil, the eraser, that we're interested in here.

Erasers eradicate pencil markings by lifting graphite from the paper you've written on. As you write, particles of graphite from your pencil mingle with and cling to particles in the fiber of the paper. Here's the science: Modern erasers are almost always made from petroleum-based synthetic rubber compounds, typically polyvinyl chloride (they're no longer made from natural latex rubber, which is an allergen for some people). Because the particles in the polymer that make up an eraser are stickier than paper, those graphite particles get stuck to the eraser instead. Some erasers are stickier than others and absorb graphite particles more easily, giving you a cleaner, less-abrasive result.